好像真的忘了, 戀愛是什麼.
但卻又不是出於無知, 因而有憧憬, 躍躍欲試.

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If you let me be your friend with benefit...will I accept it and feel satisfied? I doubt it, even though I did want to have the "benefit" with you.

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戲裡出現了一個女孩, 直率, 聰明, 用嚴厲的眼神與保守的外衣, 包裹著隱藏的溫柔.
突然覺得很美好, 就這樣對著螢幕笑了.

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Maybe I supposed to make some comments about the conversation between she and I today.

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I'm really scared when everyday comes the night time,
Nervous and resistant, couln't easily to wheedle myself go to sleep.

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