How I worried about you or,
How I reacted after some judgmental words,
Once I don’t have to scare to be seen through any more,
And there would be no more questions, only existing safe and peace,
It's because I ‘m solely to face.

Whereas, I am getting dull in front of things,
Things which might have been always affecting me a lot.
Is that all right?

Want to have somewhere to belong to,
That doesn’t indicate to be identified with.
These are two apparently distinct intentions.

I am imaging the solar eclipse; I have seen that once.
It is not the sun, who needs to concern about the forcing gloom,
It is actually the time to show how powerful he is.
And, also, how insignificantly lowly we viewers are.

Sometimes we have nothing to do with it,
Then we choose to enjoy and watch it.
How interesting.
And it’s some keys to the life, isn’t it?

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